Painting with Light to Capture Decisive Moments
Studio Portraits Using Continuous Lights

Studio Portraits Using Continuous Lights

Two Lighting Setups That Create Depth to the Images

Written on the 30th of January, 2023

Moving on from my last indoor cinematic headshots photoshoot with my cousin Mohammad AlQenaei, I decided to shoot him the following few images using continuous lights.

I did two different lighting setups. Both setups involve two lights. In the first lighting setup, I used one key light and the second light as a background light on the unlit side to create depth in the image. Here are the images:

Here is the lighting setup for these two images:

In the second lighting setup, I used one key light on him and the second light as a rim light on the until side at 180 degrees from the key light to separate him from the background. Here are the images:

Here is the lighting setup for these two images:

The Gear I Used

I hope you learned a lot from this blog. If you are interested in a one-on-one training session, drop me a direct message on my Instagram account.