Painting with Light to Capture Decisive Moments
Portrait Photography Course Part One

Portrait Photography Course (Part One)

Portrait photography workshop, led by professional portrait photographer Andrew Mason, in London

Written on the 31st of July, 2021

Workshops are great ways to learn photography, especially with expert photographers. On my trip to London, I did a workshop with professional portrait photographer Andrew Mason.

I learned loads of information about portrait photographers. A good thing about workshops is that you learn a lot from the instructor. Not only that, but you can also learn from fellow photographers who have their own artistic vision. Furthermore, it's a great way to make long-lasting friends.

Two female models attended the workshop, model Elena Vladyuk and model Angelique Joan.

Before the course, photographer Andrew Mason recommended an 85mm lens for the workshop, a perfect portrait lens, in my opinion. Thankfully I owned one.

We started the day with a brief introduction to the day. Then we had the chance to start practicing on each other before we started shooting the models. I took few images of a fellow photographer, Benjamin Timothy Finch. As the day went on, we began to achieve more outstanding results with our photography.

We went to three different locations. For the first one, we used a natural setting. The second was an urban setting. The third one was a dark setting where we had the chance to use an off-camera flash.

We learned how to capture personality and character to get a natural portrait. We practiced natural light and flashlights. We learned how to work with a reflector to enhance natural light.

Benjamin Timothy Finch

The Gear I Used

I hope you learned a lot from this blog. If you are interested in a one-on-one training session, drop me a direct message on my Instagram account.